Plant a Tree & Be a
Part of The Change

CO2 offsetting by planting trees in the Baltics.

Plant a Tree & Be a Part of The Change

CO2 offestting by planting trees in the Baltics.

Our services

Plant a Tree

Make a powerful impact on the planet by planting a tree and receive a certificate confirming your contribution.

CO2 Offesting For Business

Offset your company’s carbon emissions effectively by planting a part of a new forest in Latvia.

Gift a Tree

Looking for a truly meaningful present? Plant a tree in the name of a person and receive a personalized certificate.

We Are Changing The World One Tree at a Time

Without trees, there would be no humans. Trees provide us with oxygen, clean air, fertile soil, biodiversity, building material, cooling, water purification and so much more. Forest a vital part of maintaining the global ecology and fighting climate change.


Only by acting collaboratively, we can heal our planet. Thus, we are on a mission to provide the opportunity for anyone to be a part of the change. No matter who you are and where you are, through Treebellion you can plant real trees and make a real difference. Let’s take action into our own hands.

You Can Make a Bigger Impact Than You Think

By planting just 1 tree you will:

Remove 30 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere;

Release 117kg of pure oxygen into the atmosphere;

Filter 30,000 l of water;

Provide a home for literally hundreds of living organisms;

Maintain soil fertility;

Provide timber for future generations.

And you don’t even have to leave your couch to make all of this happen. Be a part of the solution. Plant a tree and join the Treebellion.

Planting in Latvia

We are creating our forests in Latvia. Since our soil is moist and fertile our trees really do thrive. We plant several types of trees to maintain natural biodiversity, but primarily we grow pine, spruce, birch, and oak trees.

Why Trees Matter

Absorbing CO2

Trees are the lungs of our planet. An average tree can absorb between 10 and 40kg of CO2 per year. Not only that but an average tree produces around 177kg of O2 (oxygen) per year.

Managing Ecology

Trees create a rich environment for all living organisms around them by cooling land through shading, retaining thousands of liters of water, and maintaining soil fertility through nutrient distribution.

Increased Biodiversity

Trees provide shelter, protection and sustenance in one form of the the other for almost all non-aquatic forms of life - animals, plants, insects and birds.

Societal Benefits

Not only do trees provide humans with building materials and heating, but trees are also important for human mental health and well-being.

Want To Make a
Change? Plant a tree.

How many trees do you want to plant?

1 trees
4 trees
8 trees

Want to plant as a business? Contact us for a custom offer here.

Frequently Asked

How much CO2 does a single tree absorb?

The average tree absorbs around 30 kg of CO2 per year.

How will I receive the certificate after planting a tree?

You'll be able to download the certificate in PDF format right after confirming your purchase.

What kind of trees do you plant?

We plant trees that are native to the northern hemisphere - spruce, birch, and pine.

Can I gift the certificate to someone after planting a tree?

Yes, you can plant a tree and specify the name that will appear on the certificate.

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